
I love this. Thank you. Cranialsacral was one of the best things I did when I was really really sick. No idea how she moved the pain. The questions you ask are similar to mine. If we become pure by virtue of being sick or imprisoned let's say, is it the same as getting their of your own volition. And yes, a thorn does not negate health. Apparently Eli Wiesel had a headache his whole life except in a concentration camp. He said he didn't let it bother him. What have you tried for anemia?

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Thanks for sharing your story and getting on it so quick into losing your health🙏 I am pretty obsessed with reading the journey of others. Those of us living with and moving through chronic illness are my go to reads these days, the stories I am most interested in.

“the hardest lesson has been learning to go with the flow, to let go of expectation and practice non-attachment”.

For me, when I shared with my audience the other year that slowing down was up there with my greatest challenges made me feel sick to my stomach. I had no idea how common this was. Nor did I realise what was to come….

…the hardest of all has been learning to winter. To make space for myself in a world that says there is no room for the inconvenience of periods and femininity. So hard in fact, that it was easier to be physically bedbound ill, in severe and agonising pain than it was for me to close my work diary down, say no (repeatedly), and rest rest and more rest.

It was easier to lose the 2.5 weeks to 2 menstrual migraine attacks as I had in the years prior than to rest, retreat and close myself off from the world as I slowly got better.

Incidentally, learning to do this has taken me beyond what many see as medically possible.

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This is why we have so little tools to recuperate. Our entire lives are centered around escapism to a certain extent Sam Beckett said it best in denial of death. The trick is to retreat and find what's interesting inside. I like to say that ocean is as deep as the skies are for flying to meetings. Thank you for sharing. I'm very encouraged by having similar at thinking to you

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I understand chronic pain. I have been dealing with illness since 2004. I think it odd how small the world truly is. How life shadows life. Same circumstances from different experiences. Even though no person throughout history has ever been identical, we all share the same/slight different paths.?

The biggest thing I can say for people dealing in chronic pain = do not let pain, fear, Evil negative thoughts, emotion, the toddler in your mind to rule your actions.

Death does not always come to those seeking it. Suicide can fail. I once thought the only success I had in life was graduating highschool. All the other experiences were failure in my mind. Learning to control "Pavlovs dogs" and sitting with your feelings, grounding in the earth, cold water immersion, breathing, silcence, sunlight, exercise.

If more people had their craniosacral aligned, their cerebrospinal fluid would flow like a drug.

What is sickness?

What is it to be healthy?

What about a healthy mind, spirit, soul?

If the body never fully recovered would you not just be another Disciple named Paul/Saul?

A thorn in the side does not negate health.

My main struggle, among a few, is severe iron deficient anemia. I once had a hemoglobin level at 4.2/non existent vitamin levels/ and non iron/ferritin levels.

I understand pain. To those who feel alone in your struggle. . . You are not. I've been isolated from the world for so long.

I wish Substack had more spaces for art, brainstorming, and daily challenges.

I miss AIM :)

Try, fail, try different

Learn from the past - while living in the present - to prepare for the future.

Here to help,

A Misfit ✌️

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I'm glad you're feeling better. Sometimes it feels like we're not making progress, but then we're faced with situations that show how resilient we are. May you keep getting stronger and more energetic with time.

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Our will is our souls peaking through. So thankful yours has never gone away.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Sending love from your biggest admirer since day 1, or at least I knew how to read : ) Was beautiful stumbling upon and admiring your stories from high school and its inspiring how much writing as a mode has been meaningful to you on a personal and collective level through all these epochs. From free things to do in new york.. to ruminations on literature / healing / transformations, its always a humbling and awe inspiring experience for your lil sis : ) some of your posts have so genuinely touched my own life and way of thinking, and appreciative for the bridge they've been into you. cheers to 60 more i hope <3

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It's true sometimes it's difficult to appreciate how writing was the only thing I had to hang on to. And you've always had that writing and journaling everyday! Thanks for motivating me to keep at this.

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