You've gotta check out Alpha-Stim. It's for pain, stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression. I couldn't live without mine. I happen to be the daughter of the inventor.... so call this an advertisement maybe. Lol. But truly, I've used the device every day nearly for most of my life. It got me through college. The VA uses it. Several pro athletes. It got brought up on a Rogan episode with Dakota Meyer once because he uses it regularly for PTSD and chronic pain and loves it. Joe didn't seem to care tbh. However, if you're into TMS and getting great results then you're already finding benefits from a similar mechanism. I think cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) is better. The future is in physics, not chemistry! <3

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I kept trying to remember to ask my neurologist when I saw him yesterday, and I totally blew it because that's what happens to me so I'm gonna be sure to ask him about it next time I see him. I've gotten a few devices like relevion and a vagus nerve stimulator I haven't picked up yet as well as vielight technology so I'd be curious how yours differentiates thank you so much for giving me the tip and I would be so excited at the future belong to physics rather than chemistry. That's a really cool we're putting it.

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Good to hear that you feel positively. Maybe we all would be able ti meet sometime soon.

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“When my optical nerve gets implicated…. Only one person can see a butterfly, and I’m glad some days it’s me.”

Mostly a technical read with beautiful moments of the author’s incredible humanness peaking out.

Love this writer

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

Really great breakdown of TMS. I think most of us have NO clue what it is. I’m so glad you got to see that butterfly. Eat those magnet Wheaties! Jiayou.

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And thanks for pulling out All these little happy parts ;)

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Your happy parts are of utmost importance to me!

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Thanks Jenny, I'm glad it starting to make sense call me tms lady

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