Oct 24, 2022Liked by Rebecca


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"Writing is adept at relieving discomfort and anxiety, not simply by diversion, but by extraction"-wow, I love this. I also saw this as also a polemic against amusement and distraction in a world which profits consistently off of distraction/amelioration. Thinking about revolution versus incremental reform. wondering- who are figures whose illness transformed them to be radical thinkers and players in the social/political/communal sphere that I haven't heard of, or glossed over that element of their biography? What does extraction or wholeness mean to them? for a future away message? thank you again for being both wordsmith and metaphysical dentist-

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I completely agree - it’s truly a blessing and an inspiration when it’s not with drugs, depression, isolation and resignation, but with artistic and scientific creativity one meets the challenge of a crushing illness and emerges victorious.

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