Funny girls: Blonde (ish) - she is a DJ, Tinx - she is a podcast host, Girl on Couch - she is the one that did that song of the summer

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You raise good questions. I don't really know of anyone who is like a total Rogan experience, but here are the girlies I listen to: Amala Ekpunobi, Candace Owens, Brett Cooper, Kim Iversen, Lauren Chen, Sydney Watson, Lauren Southern. I would say they speak more about trending topics and politics and entertainment more than wellness, but sometimes they speak on that topic too. Mikhaila Peterson does interviews, the daughter of Jordan Peterson.

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Thank you - you've given me a lot to work with. Only heard of two on your list! Going to add them to ppl to follow to see what's going on.

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My pleasure! At the very least, they’re interesting and smart people to listen to, even if the subject matter isn’t what you’re necessarily looking for.

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As I continue to work on this (I just created a Jody Wogan Twitter handle) I think the Wogan universe is going to be different than the Rogan universe but still capture the light and beauty that we love - so it will be different, but I'm not sure how - there will be serious people and heartfelt ones and silly ones, but something else that we add that only our world has

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That’s so beautiful. You’re doing a great service by making and sharing that with others. If you need it, others do too.

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You are in it - thank you for you. And letting me rant in the comments. It's very nice.

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Aw. Thank you. Always. :-*

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