Sweet Rebecca, don't beat yourself up for the blips or doing things that may not be intuitive to your well-being (but they are also time savers and pleasure givers, which are too important for the well-being, interestingly). I commend you for your resilience and persistence and courage and vulnerability in striving towards health and documenting it for us. It inspires me, and no doubt others too. Interestingly, my latest post kind of mirrors what you wrote, at least the frustrations and hopes feel familiar. Thank you for the shout-out. I'm so grateful to have met you.

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I'm wondering how to put what I appreciated about this piece - (which is beautifully written) - I think that if is unusually honest - and about the unfinished and provisional nature of life and health, and that it somehow includes a kind of hope that doesn't rely on 'progress' or 'happy endings'. Anyway, thank you.

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Aagh, the 2 steps forward and 1 back, the getting excited with what you can do then neglecting the steps that got you there and backsliding, I know it all too well. Thanks for the shout-out, and stay strong fellow bear!

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